Fellowship and Caring
The opportunity for fellowship at Calvary goes far beyond our Sunday Service.
There’s always something happening for every age group and every interest. Children enjoy many activities in addition to our Sunday School program. Family themed events--such as movie nights, game nights, apple picking, craft workshops, square dancing, and annual ice cream socials--give children and families a chance to share in fellowship.
For us, sharing in fellowship is always extended to family and friends. We encourage our members to always feel free to bring a friend. Our themed dinners always have something to please every palate. Holiday activities during Christmas and Easter allow us to share music sing-alongs and performances, and decorating with everyone.
Groups like our Prayer Shawl Knitting Circle offer our members the opportunity to share their talents while making scarfs, shawls, and blankets for to those in need. We also gather with our neighbors to support the homeless and local food banks, all in an effort to work together.
There is always something going on at Calvary, come share with us!