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What We Believe In

Calvary Lutheran Church is a member congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). The ELCA is a Christian denomination that follows the teachings of Martin Luther, the 16th-century evangelical reformer of the Christian church. Here are some of our beliefs.


We adhere to the Apostles’, Nicene, and Athanasian Creeds, Lutheran confessions, and the ELCA Confession of Faith. Lutherans believe in salvation by God's grace through faith, not by human efforts (Romans 3:24, Ephesians 3:24).

The Church to the World

We are the church, a community called to share Jesus' love for the world. Faith is nurtured within the community. God calls us into the world, following Jesus' example, to serve, seek justice, and promote peace.

Means of Grace: Baptism and Communion:

Baptism delivers us from evil, adopts us as children, and makes us part of Christ's body. Communion nourishes faith, forgives sins, and calls us to share God's word and love. These sacraments, not limited by age, embody God's grace.

God and His Mission

We believe in the triune God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—who created, redeems, and empowers. God revealed Himself through Jesus and remains with us through the Holy Spirit. He aims to draw all people into His mercy and love. Despite sin, God sent Jesus to seek and save the lost. The Holy Spirit invites us to participate in God's restorative mission.

Faith in the Bible

Faith, a gift of the Holy Spirit, brings a liberated confidence in God’s grace. It fosters engagement with others, seeking truth, asking questions, and expressing love in words and deeds. Despite diverse viewpoints, Lutherans see the Scriptures centered on God’s steadfast love and mercy in Jesus.

Learn More on How We Worship

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