Our Music Ministry
Music is a powerful tool that can be used to express our love and devotion to God. Whether it's through singing hymns or playing instruments, music has the ability to touch our hearts and bring us closer to Him. Let us use this gift to worship and glorify God in all that we do.
If you would like to get involved with Music ministries or have any questions, please email Elise Carter: longnote@msn.com

Vocal Choir
Calvary Vocal Choir offers an excellent opportunity to explore the Church's repertoire of classical and contemporary sacred music.
Members, while not required to read music, must demonstrate the ability to sing on pitch and a willingness to commit to weekly rehearsals.
The choir rehearses and sings during the academic school year. All are welcome to join. Practices will be on Wed. night from 7:30-8:30 p.m., from Sept-May.

Instrumental Music + Praise Band
We welcome instrumentalists to join us in our music ministry.
We have recently started a contemporary Praise Band and CHIMES/BELLS choir! All are welcome - you do not need to know how to read music!