Other Ministries
Calvary Lutheran Church maintains an extensive facility which has been a home to many community groups, including, but not limited to:
Clan Na Vale (bagpipers): Practices are currently held every Tues. night at the church: 6:30 p.m. for students & 7:30 p.m. for the band. All are welcome!
Boy Scouts
Camp Koinonia
Calvary supports and partners with Camp Koinonia, a Lutheran Church camp located in New York’s Delaware River Highlands. Learn more about Camp Koinonia here.
Other ministries at Calvary
Stewardship is not a program but a way of life. This year we will explore together how we can be stewards of God's love with our faith tradition, our hands, our hearts, our gifts, and our whole selves.
A group of dedicated people commit to maintaining and sustaining the building and property at Calvary, which helps make ministry possible. The facilities are completely accessible for those with special physical needs. Both the Sanctuary and the Fellowship Hall are air-conditioned. If you wish to use Calvary’s facilities, please contact the Church Office at (201) 327-4786 or office@calvaryluth.org.